Monday, April 5, 2010

Taxing the Internet??

According to an article out of the Washington Post, the FCC's National Broadband Plan released last week includes a nationwide tax on Internet goods and services. Surely a blow to the industry, this plan claims to increase the beneficial use of the internet - for e-commerce and new business models - while hurting the future of entrepreneurs. This new tax seems to me to be just another waste of time and effort on the part of our government. Currently, goods purchased online include state sales taxes and shipping charges which are common for any good, whether purchased online or not. I think that by levying this type of tax on the consumers, it will only discourage sales and hurt the industry. I believe that the limited tax freedom of the internet has been a large reason for the growth of the industry, something that has not been equally true for other industries which are loaded with taxes, like healthcare and the automobile industry. I say we should leave the internet alone and treat purchases on it as we would any other purchase.

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