Thursday, February 4, 2010

Start of a new month

Now that January has concluded and the groundhog has informed us of the 6 more weeks of winter that are ahead I am starting to look more and more forward to the promise of spring. Idk about you, but this cold weather is getting old. Spending a decent chunk of the last few weeks selling hot chocolate for ENGR 407 has driven me to look forward to summer. What is better than the sound of a baseball cracking through the air off of the bat of Ryan Howard?? With all of the promise of the 2010 Phillies season - acquiring Roy Halladay, Placido Polanco, and locking up a majority of the core through next year - I cannot wait until april 5th. In the mean time, I am going to have to deal with the cold and hope for some warm days here and there to quench my desire.

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